Monday, March 24, 2014

Ancient or Modern?

[[Cycladic figurine]]

When you first see this, when would you think this was made?

It looks like something one might find in the Tate Modern; Henry Moore seems a likely culprit.

But in fact, this was made around 2500BC!

So naturally, this lady is in the British Museum. Over 4000 years old and she hasn't a wrinkle.

These figurines were originally highly painted, although no one knows exactly how the paint would have looked.

As is usual in museums, the figure is shown standing up, but they actually can't do so without the stands the museums equip them with. A more natural pose would have been for them to lie down.

So what would this mean? Were they meant to lie as grave goods? Dolls? Or some religious function that's been forgotten?

Whatever their function, this is one style that hasn't gone out of date.

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